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For the life and love of animals!

Hoof n Woof Small animal & equine first aid courses!

We are a locally owned business offering first aid courses to pet owners across Ontario & Canada! Visit our services page to learn about what we offer and how we can help you! Check out our Products page for information and pricing on our favorite items!

Equine First Aid Courses

K9 First Aid Courses

Feline First Aid Courses

Certified Through Equi-Health Canada

Certified Through Canine Health Canada

Certified Through Feline Health Canada

Certifié par Equi-Santé Canada

Learn Life Preserving Skills

Our job is to teach you life preserving skills through practical and hands on learning opportunities! Our programs can teach you to alleviate suffering, aid in veterinarian’s efforts and promote recovery. Through our courses you participate in informational sessions & discussions with ample opportunity to work through real life scenarios and apply hands on first aid methods directly with your equine, canine or feline partners! With the skills you learn, you can feel assured your pet(s) will be safer in your hands!

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